Friday, November 5, 2010

30 Day Photo Challenge, Day 1

I contemplate doing things based on what other people will think alot which I guess you could say is a flaw. Maybe like, the "30 day photo challenge" that many of my friends have been participating on through facebook and through here. Usually, it's because I'm thinking, "I hope everyone doesn't think I'm just some copycat", or "I hope I'm not conforming to much to what's 'in' "... Just things like that. It's like I'm afraid to get caught up in the crowd...Is that a bad thing to admit?

With that set aside, I've been thinking for a couple weeks or so, whether or not to begin this photo challenge. For me, I had to debate this because of these alterior thoughts I had, thinking of if I want to be joining the bandwagon. I really think it's interesting, so I think once the 30 days is done, I'll just transfer every picture with the info. I think that will be less annoying to all my 964 friends on facebook to get a dumb notification on their news feed that "Tiffany has added 1 photo to her news feed" every single day for 30 days.

So, here is where I birth my 30 day photo challenge (hahah, birth.)...or where it commences!
(I also tried to pick one that seemed to have a different list than the common one that i've been seeing on facebook, but there are alot of similarities. Oh well- a list is a list!)

Day 1: A Picture of Yourself with 10 Facts

1. When I'm put on the spot, it's hard for me to defend myself most of the time because my mind goes blank, and I end up thinking of really good comebacks wayy after the fact (I'm guessing I'm not the only person that goes through this... I can't be!!)

2. I can keep a secret.
A lot of people probably wouldn't think this is an attribute I have because I'm pretty open with everyone. That's just one of the personaliy traits I guess you could call say that I pride myself in.

3. I'm easy to talk to.
I don't know why actually, but somehow I've had people I'm not that great of friends wth open up to me. Personally, I find it flattering that the person will be able to just.. open up to me, and tell me what their problems or sadness is coming from. I'm glad that I can be a person that someone can feel comfortable talking about things with.

4. I'm a hypocrite

5. I am quite the emotional person, which yeah that's not really a good thing either is it? haha. I easily cry in movies (even have during a few previews), I get scared easily during movies, I can be quick to anger.

6. I honestly think I might have paranoia.

7. I hold onto bad feelings, and I wish I could just let grudges go. As much as you can tell yourself, "there's no time in life for grudges, just move past it -move on." - yeah, I can't do that. With...certain things. It really all depends on the situation, I suppose. With some things, I'll forget about it and move on quicker than one should, but with other situations, I could waste my day thinking about it, tearing myself up. It's ridiculous.

8. I'm lovable. I love people, I love friends, I love family. I think it's rather easy for people to like me; I don't mean this in a conceited way - but I can't think of that many people that don't like me. I can think of... 2, haha.

9. I trust people easily and quickly. Actually, I think I trust people too easily. Maybe that's part of the reason why people can open up to me easily, because I tend to open myself up to them, too.

10. It's taken me awhile to think of a tenth fact about me, but I think I've found one. I'm kindof a perv. Maybe that is why the majority of my friends are boys; I'm not really sure, or maybe most of my friends are boys. Regardless, I'm a perv. I enjoy crude humor (it's my favorite, i.e. one of my favorite movies is "Anchorman"), and I make crude jokes. I'm crass, as my mom would say.

Well there is my ten facts about me. Did most of you know these about me? Or were there some where you thought, "oh that is cool/weird/sad I didn't know that..." ?

I forgot to put a picture up for 1st day of the challenge. oops


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