Monday, July 5, 2010

The Town a Mile High

When I'm on vacation, when most people will find out when I'm from (Arizona), they are immediately answering, "Man it must get really hot! Since it's the desert!" Actually, not in my town. It's a beautiful town about almost 2 hours away from where it begins to classify as the hot, deserty part of Arizona.
In my area, I actually love it. Most people my age can't wait to leave to move into a more city-urban feel, where there's more people, and more opportunities. For me personally, I really do love it. It has that small town feel, especially in the actual downtown area. For a project I had to do my sophomore year in English class, I had to interview a lady from the 1940's that lived here since then, and she said it hasn't changed downtown since then, except for maybe some of the shops- but everything looks the same. That amazes me, and I love that.
Every summer in July, it is the best here. We have a huge parade, lots of patriotic spirit, and the world's oldest rodeo. There's just so many activities that go on around here that it's almost hard to go to all of them! My favorite is definitely the Rodeo Dance. It sounds pretty corny and all, but it honestly, is so fun. I don't even really enjoy country music that much- really at all, but I always have such a wonderful time at the actual dance. This was Tyler and I's second time going together as each other's dates, but I've gone a few more times in the past as well.

First Rodeo Dance

Now these are from this year!

The day after the rodeo dance, I went downtown around the square with my pug, Paris, and I showed her off! There is usually a big art festival every sunday or...maybe not every sunday. Anyway, everyone loved Paris- at one point, my sister got her boyfriend Shane to walk both Paris and Rocky (my sister's pug!).


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