Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Inside Out

Imagine you have had a best friend. You are a certain way with this person; sometimes when you're together it's as if you two are speaking a completely different language, because you understand each other both to the point where not many words are needed. What would you feel like if months later, somehow you met up with your best friend, and things were different. You could see from the ouside how you two used to be. That your best friend was that way now with someone else. You watched as they talked about how their lives are, how they go about days, cracking up about things that remind them of stuff they've done. You just sit there, almost dazed because you can't believe what you're seeing. You just stay quiet and watch, and just observe.

I guess people grow apart, but I never thought I would grow apart from her. Ever. I never thought one day I would be bugging her if she wants to live with me and be roommmates. Bugging. Nagging. She was always one of the few consistent things i had in my life up until about 3 or 4 months ago. It's never been the same, and I don't think it ever will be. I can try as hard as I possibly can to think it is, and act like it is, but it's not. You can't force something like that, and I guess it is one of those things where you just have to face it and know that people move on and people grow apart. I can move on, I can. I have a new circle of friends that are just ... hilarious. I love hanging out with them. But it doesn't mean that at some points you'll think, "wow, she'd get along perfectly with them." or, "she really needs to meet them." But what do you do when you feel weird even nagging to see if she can visit?

As I sit here in Hawaii, I thought to myself of all the friends I would love to bring here with me. How much fun we would all have. I would love to bring them here. but, what can you do. I am going to go on a walk now. Yep. Take some pictures of this beautiful big island and enjoy it as much as I can the rest of the week! After all, how often do you get to come to Hawaii? Me, not often.


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