Thursday, July 11, 2013

Dream Interpretation (New level of weird.)

I had the strangest dream last night. First off, the past two nights I have had a dream that I was pregnant, and then I had this like weird dilemma where I was freaking out saying, "Who's the dad?!" ... which was comical to me because in the dream I had like more partners, and in real life the answer would be real simple who knocked me up, haha. So having a pregnancy dream indicates, according to, that you are in the middle of a "birth" of a new idea, project, or change in your life that you may not be willing to share with others yet which I think makes sense to me. But anyway in my dream I remember thinking, "I'm gonna be so big when I'm back to school! How am I going to FINISH school???" haha I'm just as self conscious in my dreams as I am in my waking life, it's funny to me.

So onto my weird crazy dream as if being pregnant in my dream two nights in a row wasn't crazy enough ....

This dream was really strange. I started off hanging out with this blonde girl who was ridiculously tiny and had the most adorable Louis Vuitton shoulder bag - but that's beside the point. It was raining really hard, and I was grocery shopping with my mom, dad, Tyler, and guy who thought he was baby daddy. At the check out line, guy who thinks he's baby daddy gives his card, so basically pays for my groceries; not sure if he does this out of guilt or something?? By the way, I see the doctor and find out that Tyler is baby daddy.

So the dream continues to walking out of the grocery store and now I get back to cute handbag blonde girl in my dream. Somehow my family disappears and this girl replaces them. It is raining extremely hard, and this girl and I get whisked away in the shopping cart we have (another weird thing to point out, the fact that both of us magically fit in this shopping cart, AND who is pushing us, the wind?!) into this unknown territory to where it is like we are deserted in the middle of an ocean? Yeah, I know what you're thinking. I'm a complete nutcase, but I'm gonna continue to tell this anyway so I can read this and laugh later.

We are now on this land that looks like.. if you mixed the Sedona red mountains with like, Egypt, Star Wars looking characters, and throw in a wormhole, we somehow got transported to this place. I don't remember why now because I am trying to continue this after being awake for 13 hours, but for some reason no one here liked us and we needed to get off this planet, we'll call it. So random blonde girl and I are running through enchanted dining halls, literally SCALING mountain sides, and just being total badasses escaping these villain people. And the thing I hate about dreams is that you can't run as fast as you want and it is SO frustrating.

I've skipped some pretty crucial plot details, not like that is an excuse to make this sound any less Looney of a dream than it already does or anything. But I'll continue.

So we are escaping, running away from the Star Wars lookalike characters and blonde girl at some point in my head has morphed into my best friend Eydn.  Oh, and by the way I think I am NOT pregnant anymore at this point in the dream. Eydn and I are now jumping high into the sky, still scaling crazy high mountains and crawling up walls to escape this planet, and Eydn exclaims "we have to find the wormhole that brought us here! And, then magically we are standing over a mini waterfall that leads to a lower leveled high class swimming pool and I say, "Eydn, the wormhole is the water! We have to double backflip (WTF?!) into the water and we will be miraculously transported back to the shady, rainy parking lot of Wal Mart!" and this is funny, but I think the dialogue was that direct in my dream, too.

So once we went down a few levels of swimming pools and jagged creeks, we made our way to a big cliff with beautiful big waves and an ocean ahead - clearly the wormhole. So I go first, and I double backflip into this unknown water and it didn't transport me or anything, it just made me immune. Like the Star Wars villains couldn't do anything to me, now that I flipped into the ocean ahead. Eydn jumped in, but freaked because she didn't know how to backflip. So I literally had to hold her body and make her backflip. Next thing you know, she says "I'm at Ross! (while still in my presence in the 5 Ft deep ocean) and I say AWESOME ME TOO! And then we were transported into a game of Red Rover with all the people we thought were annoying from high school.

So, that's the end of my dream. I dream all the time and I should really write them down more often because it sounds so hilarious to me now that I am typing this all out.

And as I normally do, I'll pick a few things to "interpret" via in their Dictionary section.

I'll do ocean first.
For ocean, it basically said that if the ocean is rough (which it had some white caps, yes) then it means I am dealing with some emotional turmoil in my life right now and I am doing best to handle life's ups and downs... Okay. So why am I backflipping into it????

So, leading to the next word, Flip.
Apparently to see something flipping signifies excitement.. and if I am flipping something, that could possibly indicate that I am feeling regret or be a pun on driving someone mad/crazy, aka 'flipped out'. Hmmm.

Next one I thought of was Rain, because I saw a lot of it in my dream.
Ok, so it could mean forgiveness and grace? Or a metaphor for rears, crying and sadness. Ok that sounds more accurate to life right now. It can also symbolize fertility and renewal. Gosh, first pregnancy now fertility?! I promise this is not the stage of my life I want to be in! Haha.

Well I think it is about time to retire to bed, I have had a long day and am curious to see what I dream about tonight after this long day I've had full of emotions. I looked through old pictures today and all I can say is, I wish I had a biiiiiig heart shaped cookie right about now.


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