Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Sunday

happy easter to all.


What a day it will be! My mom is the best cook, and she knows it - she always loves to cook for others, too. :) So, not by surprise, the realtors who sold us this place in Tucson are friends of my parents now and their family will be here for easter, as well as my sister's boyfriend's family. It will be nice to have company.

Yesterday, I was going to have a lazy day in, because honestly I just wasn't motivated to do anything (factoring in with the time of the month; I swear it controls everything)... but then my sister finally convinced me to leave the house with her. Ha well, we ended up not coming back till night time, just because of shopping. At least we burned some calories, right? :) Earlier that day though I did bring my violin in to some old European violin maker/fixer. It's going to be nice and pretty by the time it's my recital! SO excited.

I hope everyone enjoys their Easter, and I hope my days as well as yours get a little brighter.


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